So it's recently come to my attention that my life is still insane. So many things have happened over the last 38 years. I've always wished I had a journal or record. I've bought many a diary and never get past the first few days. It's not that I'm not motivated so much as too much happens to have time to write down all that happens.
I've had this blog for some time now and have left it for just silly stuff, top 13 songs for Halloween, pet peeves that are mostly for fun in the name of humor, and those times I really want to say stuff and ramble but inevitably say a whole lot of nothing because I've been holding back and not fully open about everything.
Well, I've decided to seriously take my blog more seriously, like seriously! lol Ok, not THAT serious! This is still me ya know! I was doing like I've done many times in the past and telling myself, "oh I'll start a journal or diary again for my birthday or next year or for this that or the other". Well after the week I've had I've decided that right now is the best time to start.
What really made this click in my head. I've posted a lot of intense stuff on facebook lately. Real personal revelations. And where are they? Scrolled off into history somewhere in facebook's database. Maybe 2 or 3 people actually read those long posts (being optimistic there probably). But those posts should have been here, as blog posts, where I'd be able to keep a bit more permanent record of my inane life.
Issue with this? Having to openly admit a lot of things that not everyone knows. But it's really past time for this. So, tomorrow, when I have time, I will post a couple really long, really nice posts about some of the major events that have taken place this week. And it's my intention to keep this up moving forward. I think a good deal of why my diaries and journals faded was because I tried to do them in an old fashioned book with a pen like this was the 20th century or something. I once typed over 60wpm and even with the handicap the internet put upon me by making me type worse and use leet speak everywhere I still type roughly 45wpm. So I need to embrace the blog. And I likely need to buy a web cam at some point huh? Well, that might wait till after I move cause no one wants to see this house. lmao
Anyway, yeah, all that. Gotta go for now though, lots to do, lots to do!
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