Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Need A Banner!

It has come to my attention as of a minute ago that I don't actually have a banner on any of my sites. I have individual banners for different game pages in the game area. And I have my old logo that I've used for years which I like but am starting to get sick of, especially since the graphics it uses from EverQuest are so old that it looks kinda crappy even though it's at the highest quality for that image. I need to come up with something new for that too. I just don't know where to begin. So many pics and images of wolves and moons but I don't want to use someone else's and it's hard to come up with an original when there's billions out there already.

But, regardless of the logo problem I have no banner. I don't know how this seemingly obvious point slipped past my attention. Going to have to come up with something that works for both gaming and real life and somehow encompasses all major aspects of that which is me without being a cluttered mess. With a banner though I'm going to need an actual site and blog name. Currently I just have my game names and such as a title but no official title for the site so to speak. I've used the name Moonwolf Landing several times in games to identify things from my Cafe in Cafe World to cities in Sim City to space stations and various other things. I "could" use that for my official site name instead of the pages just saying "Krysta's Webpage(s)" or some crap.

This requires more thought. If anyone bothers to read this and has any suggestions for a name or submissions for a banner image or any good wolf or moon pic designs please feel free to submit them somehow either in comments or though any of the other contact and social media links.

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